Practice services
We offer routine chlamydia testing for all patients under the age of 25. You can request this via reception or by using an online form.
We also encourage all new patients to have screening for HIV and Hepatitis at a Health Check
Please book an appointment with a doctor or nurse if you would like to discuss sexual health or have any symptoms you are worried about
Local services that accept self referrals
Self testing for sexually transmitted infections
- People who have mild or no symptoms, and would like to get themselves checked can access a home STI testing service from Sexual Health London
- Register with SHL and complete an online consultation to order a free STI test kit
Sexual health clinics
CNWL provide sexual health clinics in Camden.
Free Condoms for Young People
- The Camden C-Card Scheme is a confidential scheme for young people aged between 13 and 24
- You can register online for a C-Card to collect free Condoms from local chemists or clinics